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A short story about how I live my simple life with God.

This journal was written
Date: Sunday 12/30/2012 9:56am
“WHEN YOU LOVE SOMEONE, YOU WON’T BE YOURSELF ANYMORE”. Let me share you some story. Yesterday’s event in my life is unexpected. I am so tired but I feel so blessed by the love of God. This is why I am writing my journal this moment for I need to take a good rests to use for this days planned activity. This is what has happen yesterday, as what I have written on my “Kimma Schedule of Activities” First thing I should do is to buy gift for my grandpa in Uyanguren. I did prepare early so it is not that stressful when I roam around the city. I think it’s around 12:30 in the afternoon I took a bath and it lasts like 2 hours. Everyone is so happy about the unclogged restroom so I feel like enjoying my bathing. After that, I did spend some beautiful moments in my room while watching movie. I guess the movie title that time is “Babe, I love you” in Cinema One channel. It is a love story of a two different person from different class, find themselves fall in love with each other’s company. While watching I also watch myself in my beautiful mirror and plan to straighten my curly hair one at a time. It interests me because as a result of it is an awesome image.

 I then go to my previous boarding house in Sta. Ana hoping that my friend Rushka, is available to roam around downtown and buy stuff for New Year. Unfortunately, he is not around so I have to go to Uyanguren, all by myself. I took a tricycle ride and going there costs me P20 pesos. But it’s okay, so to get started with my tour, I first head to DCLA, where I could buy Gift for my grandpa. I did buy one but the other stuff like his white socks should be bought in a wholesale terms, which I think not practical because what I am aiming is just to buy at least three pairs of it. It took me 2 hours and half maybe just to find a not wholesale type of selling. I then go upstairs, to look for some alternative, hoping that this time I could find something that is beneficial and is useful for my grandpa. Gladly, many things interests me, but since I have a limited amount of money left, I just list it on my upcoming “things to buy” lists for I think that I don’t need it as of the moment. As I shop around the corner, a pack bag caught my attention because aside from I need one for my upcoming travel, the item costs P100 only. Without any hesitation, I then bought it and happily decided to go back home and prepare myself for tomorrow. I then took a jeepney, at NCCC, Uyanguren branch. And I find myself taken a wrong direction. It surprised me for I told the driver I’m going to stop at the Mall, and he then nodded and said maybe you got a wrong route because we are heading directly to Buhangin, using the diversion road. I then smiled at him and said, “Yeah, it’s okay, I’ll just stop at Buhangin then”. As we arrived, I’m thinking about celebrating that’s day’s wonderful event, so I find myself dining at Penongs, Buhangin branch. It’s actually my first time to dine at this restaurant and what makes me feel good is everyone is so friendly. I feel beautiful that time too, wearing white shirt on top, and pants while having my newly pack bag at my back. While waiting 10-15 minutes, I then note down my next direction, in my mind I wanted to capture some photos of Abreeza Mall Fountain because it is one of my desired thing to do, so I lists it down too.

While heading to the mall, I remember then that day is God’s day. So I then decided to go first and visit His Church, It is in Redemptory’s Church, it’s been awhile I visited a church, since there are many people that time and it’s an unexpected choice of mine to go there. I directly go to the Prayer room, and light some candle praying for good health, and thanking God of all the things that he showed me and asking his forgiveness on my foolishness and sins in the pasts. I also pray for the all the souls and asks God to be my guidance and give me enough strength to face the New Year of my life and shield me from evil works and never let me sin again. 

My heart feels so good and inspired, and then I walk towards the Mall, excited taking pictures of the fountain. It’s around 6:30pm that time, as I pass by some of the stores, I again saw my college friend Raymand. He is a Jesuit volunteer member, and we shared a lot of things about his experience, and I ask him what interests him the most in doing the service and does he find and deepen his faith and understanding to God. He then told me, that the experience is very tough and inspires him to be more passionate on his work. His compassion towards the community planning to build their own GKK, and by the way he is assigned in Bohol, and Raymand planned to renew his membership and planned to go back to the place until his mission is complete.     

I don’t expect that my best friend in High School and also our club president in Ateneo Catechetical Instructions League (ACIL), way back in college, Maria Clariza Matute, is the one that Raymand waits. The reason is that Clang, that’s her nick name; plan also to be a part of the said servicing. And to inform everyone, Raymand, is my treasurer officer of one of the special organization in ADDU, under religious club category, in which, my leadership took 2 and a half years, the Ateneo Inter Religious Organization (AIRO). My experience in AIRO, mold me to strengthen my faith and live with God’s presence. That is why I am so obsessed in following the life of Jesus Christ’s, the life of a faithful servant.

We then go to one of the malls magnificent restaurant, I think it’s a pizza house, “Obarru”. After that, took some pictures and to Starbucks to meet some previous college acquaintances, and then home. At home, I then organized my things and put them in places that are easy for me to find them when I will need them. As I finished cleaning my room, I then pray to God, and thank him for everything. “Leave everything to God, for he will reveal to you the secrets of the world”. And while doing so, don’t forget to be yourself, and treasure and feel every moment, because time is sacred, and moments are so precious to embrace by our existence. So I say to you, To God be the glory ^_^. 


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