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Effective Steps in reducing unwanted weight part 1

November 25, 2013

This is how I look before…

Many people nowadays are looking for the best, easy and mostly the safest way on how they eliminate the excessive fats and reducing to their desired weight. I am also one of them 2 years ago before I discovered my secret product, which made so many changes in me. But before I am going to introduce to you the product, and its effect I just want to walk you through some of my photos that shows how food comforts me and relieve my stress from work, school and any other activities. Some of us find eating delicious food can be at help in releasing our stress and frustration, yes it is true but it is temporary. We think that because we are able to get what we want we are okay and will not feel awkwardness and or depression but the truth is the more we rely ourselves to the comfort food, the more we forgot how to value self-discipline, and forget to see the nutrition that we get that may fight against sickness and many disease.

Here are the basic steps on how you start achieving your desired weight.

Goal Setting
This is the first step to do, start measuring your current weight and you note it down to an empty notebook. On its side are your desired weight and the month when are you going to achieve that goal. We must learn to draft a certain time so we may know and track a record on our everyday activity. It is exciting because you are able to challenge yourself and see if you are determined to make a change in your life. 

Start Today
The second step is to start your goal today, you must set a date when did you start and when will you end. We cannot deny the fact that because we are just human we tend to forgot and decide to just start things by tomorrow, or the next day or even the next week. Well, it is not good, if you are serious to lose your weight from here on self discipline must be practiced and the attitude of making things done the next day must not be followed. Starting today would mean that you have just marked the beginning of the new you. 

Self Control
I cannot resist the temptation of eating delicious food because of my friends inviting me to their birthdays, parties, fiesta, and many celebrations. Yes, it is true; friends can be an influential factor in making your plan successful or a failure. True friends understand the reason why you decided to undergo dietary moments and will give you option of going with them or maybe the next time. Some friends are just there and are passive about your decision. They are just neutral, if you go and party with them it’s good but if you decided to just stay at home and decided not to hang out with them for the mean time then it’s just okay to them. Self control plays significant role in every decision that we make in our lives. It actually plays significant role in motivating you to continue to what you have just started. If you are able to control yourself in situation like this then I can say you are now ready. This is just one of many challenges that may come into you but as a piece of reality check, Always learn to say “NO” if you think that this thing may help you or satisfied you or not. 

How to be motivated? The most common thing that keeps me motivated is by watching my compiled videos of Victoria Secret Fashion Shows, I always watch the video and evaluate every supermodel, while doing some research about their everyday life and how they maintain the sexiness that they have even if some of them already have a child and a family. It is very good to learn more ideas from the experiences of the experts. They are one of the best examples of living your life to its fullest and giving value to yourself even more. Another motivation that supports me in my aspiration of having a healthy and fit body, I used to put all of those sexy and gorgeous dresses and fashion outfit out of my closet, so that I always be reminded that after 2 months or 3 months or maybe less I may able to wear them again in any party, or special occasions. And I guess one of the most effective motivations is by reading the lists of the reasons why you want to lose weight, and why it is important to you, and also by imagining your future self while looking yourself in front of a mirror. It is very cool. 

Be happy
In everything that may have happen in your life even if it is simple. In every sacrifice that you made always remember that we deserve a fruitful reward. This is the reward of joyful life. A kind of life that is contented, satisfied and true. If the time comes that you were able to achieve your desired weight, always thanks God by talking to him and glorify his name because of his guidance. And don’t forget to share your experience to other people. Another friendly tip for you, always give yourself a rewarding moment, just like eating your favorite food, in your favorite restaurant, or going out with your friend for a simple celebration, at least once in a week. We don’t need to deprive ourselves because it may cause us no good in return. Being sexy, does not require specific figure or weight, as long as you accept yourself, of what you look like, and you have the loving and humble heart, the true beauty is what you are inside.
To be continue...
This is how I look now…

Photo was taken Abreeza Fashion Show Feb 2013

kimma, at your service, ^_^
Ill be posting the continuation of this article soon.
Have a great day, and God bless everyone. 

 Here is the link for the part 2:



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