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Effective Steps in reducing your unwanted weight part 2

Many of my friends said that one of their biggest concerns is how to discipline themselves on how to eat properly and not to gain abnormal weight which causes them to earn more fats and feel more depressed of what would be their physical beauty looks like. I am like them before, I did my best in finding a solution to my problem, I have taken a lot of diet pills, I didn’t mind how costly it is but what I am thinking is how fast and how effective it is to solve my problem for a short period of time. Most of you if you have just read the first part of this special article on how to effectively reduce your weight for just 2 weeks, you attest to my previous photos that I gain a lot and I look too heavy and before I don’t like the feeling of uncomfortable but as they say love yourself, so I tried to embrace that status. As I continue to try many products, and asks about some of my friends that have reduced their weight, some of them gave me this common steps on how to reduce unwanted weight in our body. Below are the alternatives that my friends use in order to them to reduce their weight and feel good about themselves. Friends, I do not recommend them but I’ll just give you a possible reason as to why I don’t do it in a regular basis. 

One of my friend who is so called athletic type, yes he do have a fit and nice body, he have this complete pack of abs and truly you cannot feel any excess of fat in his body. The challenge here that I may face is my body clock is not normal compared to those who are not working in a graveyard shift. I am working early in the morning and end my shift at exactly 12pm. It’s a bit upset on my part because I need to adjust on a lot of things but since my work is the source of my income that I have to make use of it and accept the reality. Now my friend told me, “Kimma, why not try to go to gym and work it out, the good thing in your company is you have at least 15% or more discount since they are a tenant in same building in which the fitness gym center located. So a little plan came up to my mind and I made a draft at home on how much it will cost me if I go to gym for at least 3 months and how am I able to address this another expense to my budget.

Go to Gym and work it out
As for me going to a Fitness gym center is a good idea but not to the kind of work that I have. I am working full time in a BPO company so it is a bit hard for me to adjust specially of the time and also going to a gym is a commitment. Some of my friends who undergone series of session in the gym and stop for a short period of time because of human nature of getting tired. They are not that successful in reducing their weight, they are still gaining even more. They told me that the moment you decided to let go the session regardless of how much it cost but because you have just decided that you cannot make it, the more your appetite is getting bigger and looking for food is the first thing that it is craving. You tend to crave more for food but if you are still going to a session it is still okay hence fitness gym provides all of the service you want to have and true they are very effective in losing your unwanted weight. Of course, along with that obligation is you must be prepared mentally, physically, and financially is you are going to try this first option.

Trying out Diet pills that suits you
Since it is costly to go to gym, another good friend of mine suggest that I have to try all of the diet spills, whether it could be in a capsule, in a tea form, coffee form, juice form and any other kind of formation as long as its effect is to reduce your unwanted weight. Well, of course nothing is impossible if you just believe right? So without any hesitation I buy not just once but a whole set of those diet pills that promise me to lose unwanted weight for just a period of time. Even if it is scary for some for it might hurt your kidney and any other organ I just take a risks just for me to resolve my simple problem. I consider gaining weight as somewhat simple because for me No matter what size you have as long as you love yourself, you embrace it and you love it, It really doesn’t matter you are still beautiful. What matters most for me is the beauty of the person inside his heart on how he wears himself to the public, humble, gentle, and inspiring in a way. So now back to my article, ha-ha, as I have used some of those diet products I am still not satisfied and in the long run feel so frustrated about them. I feel so depressed because I may burn some of my calories but the problem is I encounter abnormalities in bowel movement, my waste is very oily which excrete involuntarily which means I have no control on it. Others cause me dizziness, and so sleepy which came to a point that while I asleep my fats is just there stored and is not burn at all because I am not moving. It is still a failure too at the end.

Exercise Daily
Yes, it is true that daily exercise is somewhat helpful in reducing your weight. The reason why daily exercise is helpful to some working classes because it burns your calorie without spending too much money out of your pocket. You can do this anytime at the comfort of your own home and you can just buy any videos out their giving you steps and guidance in making your daily exercise more fun and at least all natural. The moment that you move and make daily exercise a habit the more that you can achieve your goal of having a fit lifestyle and of course you may now able to obtain a healthy body. I guess it is applicable to that working class who spend their work in a regular basis like from 8am in the morning up until 5pm in the afternoon. We who works in a call center cannot do this kind of option unless our shift is move to morning shift it’s a bit more relaxing if that happens.

Drink More Water
Water contributes a lot of positive results as to helping our digestive system do its work fast and making it healthy. As we know our body is consist of 30% or more water and it is essential for us in cleaning our internal organs and replenish our body energy and when we do exercise, we really need water to replace all of transpired water in the form of sweat. Do you know that there is a proper way of drinking water and what type of water should you drink and not to drink? Base on my previous experience the more water you intake the faster your digestive organ works and function its duty. All of the toxic and waste materials are just washed away and your body feel relieve in a way. If you drink water, avoid drinking it rashly, you have to feel it, all you have to do is to feel the water running from your mouth going down and slowly you drink the not cold but a warmth type of water. I prefer to drink warmth type of water and I am now avoiding drinking cold water because cold water tends to freeze your normal fats and it is hard for your digestive system to wash it right away especially if those fats are stored in numbers and freeze. Have you seen a used oil put in a refrigerator, once it is cold it takes a moment of heat to return it on its original form. That is how our natural oil or fats looks like once it is preserve inside our body. And the more oil you have the bigger the possibility that you get sick easily and you gain more fats either.

And Lastly Skip your meals
This is a very bad idea but to tell you the truth I have once experience it and it do no good to me in return. Skipping your meal does not guarantee that you will become thin in a short period of time. Perhaps you will lose so much weight but you have to suffer a lot of sickness and you are now more prone to diseases that causes you feel weak, tired, and uncomfortable. So as a friendly advice, instead of skipping your meal all you have to do is try the “branching system” that is a type of a system wherein you combine the two major meals in one and that makes you eat two heavy meals in a day and just eat fruits rich in fiber, like pineapple, watermelon, mango, and more. Example of the branching system is instead of eating normally your breakfast at around 7am in the morning you have to combine breakfast and lunch in one so that makes you branch it and you take your first meal at around 10:30am to 11am in the morning and you do the same with your lunch and dinner, when you combine the two following the branching system instead of eating your lunch normally at 12:30pm you eat at around 5pm in the afternoon up until 6pm and that is your 2nd meal in the day then take a good night sleep and you do the same the next day. Branching system is helpful to me for it is not costly and if you are in a tough budget you can really make it here. I will share to you more basic tips for you to remember in effectively reducing your weight before I am going to share to you my secret product. 

Jaffy Quiambao Photography USO Fashion Show 2013

I pray that my experience helps you in a way and continue to follow this special article as I note down its continuation. The next article are still some basic steps on how you discipline yourself and of course I am going to reveal to you my secret product that give a big impact in life. God always there on our side and let us all give him thanks and glorify his name. God bless us all. And respectfully yours, kimma, at your service ^_^

 Here is the link for the part 1...


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