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5 steps in understanding the Secrets of Self-love!

Awesome OS Year End Party 2017
Davao Crocodile Park
HMUA: Rey Quitain

Wow! It’s already the month of August 2018 and time flies so fast. It’s been awhile that I wrote my last journal. I am so sorry to all my avid readers that there are times I feel like procrastinating haha! Maybe because during those time I am in search of the things, person, situation, that can make me feel happy and enjoy my youthfulness. Honestly, I am just playing around at that time being! Soul searching, looking for some inspirations to live and end my singleness life hopefully or in God’s perfect time lol! At the end of the day, I just realized that deleting unnecessary people in my life is one of the smartest thing to do to live a peaceful, joyful, and rewarding life.

I’ve been through a lot of a truly one of a kind experiences this time, conducting various environmental scanning, meeting new people, listening to their life story and aspirations in life. Trusting people whom I think will love and accept me of who I am but in turn they just judge me. Well, that is life and as the saying goes “Trust no One”. I feel so depressed, sad, but still I am so thankful because it gives me an idea and open my heart to pursue what I really want to happen in my life. All I want is to be happy! All I want is to live a simple life. Seeing my family secured and in good hands. I think today is the turning point! I should do the things that makes me happy. I should travel more! Alone, but not lonely. I feel so excited for that. haha! Below are my personal steps in terms of understanding the Secrets of Self-love. But before we go through all the details let us define first what is self-love?

We define Self-love according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary as to "love of self" or "regard for one's own happiness or advantage".

Is it important to love our self-first? Yes, of course! For me this is the most rewarding moment of my existence! Through this, I’m able to understand and get to know more of my purpose. Life is so beautiful. There’s a lot of places that we haven’t explored yet. Cultures and traditions that we are unaware that they do exists. I commit that once my passport is already processed I will take a lot of time to travel overseas and reward my hard work. Now, let’s discuss the basic 5 steps in understanding the Secrets of Self-love.

First Step: Create a Vision of your future! And Dream big!
Have you tried asking yourself, what is your dream in life? If so, what have you done? I think all of us wants to have an almost perfect kind of life in the future. Some of us wants to live in simplicity. Others wants a big mansion, to have a happy and complete family, to tour around the world with their significant others, some wants to get rich, famous, create their own business empire, becoming popular and many more. Creating a vision about your future self helps us to wake up early in the morning and fill our hearts with lots of joyfulness and hope that one day after all the challenges, trials, hurts, disappointments and stumbling blocks that will come in our life, we will just smile and say. “I live my life to its fullest and I could not ask for more! You may start creating your Vision though painting it or just draw it on any piece of empty clean paper. Alright? Great!

Second Step: Lists all your short and long-term goals.
If you are not busy later, you can start listing all your short-term goals as well as your long-term goals in your personal record book- a personal diary will do! Just be specific and realistic. Let’s start with the basic and slowly achieving all of them. Once you’re done with one just mark check on it and proceed to your next goal! You may also add writing all your small and big achievements in life. It will greatly help you boost your morale and reminding yourself that your life is not a joke. You will see from Kindergarten to present you have done a lot of things! You will feel amaze and learn to take good care of yourself even more. You are special, according to Desiderata, “You are the child of the universe, no less that the tress and the stars, and you are right to be here”!

Third Step: Know your Priorities in life!
This is a very important step because here we will base our current situation haha! For example, my priorities in life are the following:
  1. God
  2. Family
  3. Education
  4. Work
  5. Financial Freedom
  6. Travel
  7. Community Service
  8. Beautification/ Self
  9. Learn New Things
  10. Acquire new Skills then number 52. Lovelife hahaha kidding!
Each one of us have our different dealings. We are entitled with our own opinion, views, options, and even choices in life. Let’s start with top 5 or 10 first, or if you want you can just add up until 100 listings. Keep in mind that this listing serves as our guides in weighing things, answering the question, what matters most in our life? What comes first In terms of our decision making and all. Think about it! Just take your time.

Fourth Step: Believe in yourself!
Nothing is impossible with God! I know that once you believe in yourself, it will not just build your confidence, but it will also make you feel good about yourself. Just don’t mind what other people think of you, as what Geena Rocero, of Gender Proud organization said: As long as you know your truth, you can never go wrong! “

Fifth Step: Pray and Thank God for everything!
My friends used to hear me saying this phrase most of the time, Dalaygon ang Diyos! Which means “Praise thy God”. As my respond to their appreciation about my looks, achievements, and small wins in life. Thanking God every time is like talking with him about the wonders I experience every day. As what Saint Ignatius de Loyola said, “Find God in all things and be a man and woman to others.” This statement inspires me at least to check myself from time to time.

Therefore, for us to love ourselves even more, you may try this activity everyday. Asks yourself before you go to bed, simple questions like, how am I today? Are you still happy? Are you inspired? Did you hurt someone? Are you in pain? Are you lonely? What is my dream in life? What are my struggles now? Do you have any problems? It’s better to sleep at peace than to sleep full of worries and discomfort! Again, being happy in life is a choice and being miserable is just an option. Learn to appreciate the art of letting go, delete unnecessary people and continue living! Enjoy the present moment and remind yourself of who you are, what you really want and what is your true purpose in life. I think I’m ready to love myself 110% more this time!

Thank you so much for reading!

Love lots,

Kimma ^_^


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